I am asking you for your Vote on Nov. 6th.
As your Council member, I have been acessible and responsive to your ideas and concerns. I will continue to be educated in order to contribute and represent you. I will also continue to assist members and act as an advocate for your interests. My Father used to say "If Not You Then Who" !
It does take effective dialogue in the pursuit to find answers to reach consensus. We can solve problems by diving into the problems and not delaying action. Setting clear council policy and providing staff direction to provide the best service will continue to be my approach. THIS IS THE BEST COMMUNITY anywhere. I will continue to try and bring a common sense approach and reach out to all the community, favoring the whole town and every neighborhood.
Here is a short list of what I see are at the forefront and will be vital to work on in our community:
Local community involvement is the truest form of direct democracy there is. Local grassroots community involvement and participation in city decisions is a hallmark of the way it's done in Monterey. Healthy and transparent government must always be demonstrated to ensure public trust and engagement in our community. Community involvement and participation will continue to help hold local government accountable. I will continue being a working council member that is an active member of Monterey, and participating locally and regionally to solve problems and Make Monterey Even Better!
Thank You